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Python Cheat Sheet

email Scott Turner
# introduces a comment for the rest of the line.
Names are case sensitive.
x = expr    # assignment, serves for definition
In addition to variables, lists are mutable.
x is y, x is not y
copy.copy(object) (shallow copy)
generic expressions
( )
See assignment of objects. Gotcha: can be captured by a definition in an outer scope.
See functions.
lambda arg: expr
def foo(x):
    ... x ...
    return ... x ...
Note: None value is returned from functions by default.
def multi(x,y) : ...
Note: Multiple and variable args are not tuples.
not x, x and y, x or y
x<y, x<=y, x>y, x>=y, x==y, x!=y, x<>y
for key in table.keys():
   ... # Indent rest of statement.
while expr:
if expr:
elif expr:
foo   # Line terminated
print expr
action1 ; action2
pass  # do nothing
0, 1, -1, ...
1.0, 2.0, 1.5, 0.6666, ...
x+y, x-y, x*y, x/y, x**y
x//y    # floor division
abs(x), sin(x)
None # type is None
None type is product of 0 types (like Haskell ())
thelist[3:5] #  has length 2, yay!
x in s, x not in s
s + t
() (1,) (1,2) (1,2,3) ... # tuples
Strings are sequences.
"backslash \\, newline \n, tab \t"

Creation of variables is implicit. Local variables in Python are (by definition!) those variables to which a value is assigned in a function body (and that aren't explicitly declared global). Adding an assignment statement within a function body will change the meaning of a reference to a global variable. The use of global to prevent creation of a variable is counterintuitive, compared to Perl's my, and it does not generalize to provide functionality that is occasionally needed in nested scopes. As PEP 227 says,

The lack of declarations and the inability to rebind names in enclosing scopes are unusual for lexically scoped languages.

Functions are sort of first class. But can't be defined in a function, to refer to local variables, unless you use a future statement
  from __future__ import nested_scopes
Even with the fix, to assign to a name in a containing scope you must use a global declaration (a hassle at the point of reference), and there's no way to assign to a name in a containing function scope.

The / operator returns different results for 1.0/2.0 vs. 1/2 even though the operands are essentially the same in Python. Unless you do
  from __future__ import division

Expressions and statements are distinguished syntactically, but not in meaning. Thus, there are two forms of function definition. For another example, it's awkward when you need if-then-else within an expression.

It's hard to write generic code involving sequences because, although the access operators are consistent, the synthesis operators vary, depending on whether you have a list, a tuple, or a string.

In Python vs. Scheme by Moshe Zadka indicates some plusses for Scheme, incuding:

  • Scheme supports proper closures, with lexical scoping. Python's new scoping supports closures, but remains flawed.
  • Any function can be defined anonymously, using lambda, which I believe still is not possible with Python. But can any function be defined at all in Python, i.e. can you nest a def function in a function?
  • Easy to code without side effects. I perceive this to be that standard features don't give enough help to a functional style.
  • No tail recursion optimization means that looping constructs are required in efficient code.

Python variables/objects/references aren't first class values, i.e. if you try to pass a variable as an argument, instead the value is used to initialize a new variable. See this. Since assignment and argument passing have the same semantics, they are similarly flawed.

Lists are sequences.
[] [1] [1,2] ...

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